Info War
.. They must silence you. Open discourse and information they can not tolerate. To impose a totalitarian system, the exchange of information must stop. Even the statues must be destroyed. George Orwell knew this as did those who writ our nation into being. "Whoever would overthrow the liberty of a nation must begin by subduing the freeness of speech." - Benjamin Franklin. Lenin was frustrated that his workers revolution never happened. Even in the Russian revolution the bolsheviks never had a clear majority. Lenin spent the rest of his life thinking about how he could impose his communism on people. Stalins reign of terror was loosely based on Lenins schemes. George Orwells Nineteen Eighty-Four was loosely based on Stalins reign of terror as is Bidens Presidency. It might seem self evident that we only know what we know. The corollary is that if they control informati...