
Does it matter whether Gab or parler is better?  Does it matter whether there are natzis or even liberals?  Whether you are liberal or conservative, Republican or Democrat,   you should be  scared to death!

For the love of God look at what is. happening!  I have never been so fearful about the future of the Republic. 

They have turned the president  of the United States into an  "Un-person".  They have destroyed Parler.  Now. AOC  is creating her ministry  of truth!

This  is the Orwellian nightmare!  Stop it!

And so it begins. They will knock FOX NEWS off the air!  If you don't like Fox News, how long before CNN has to pass everything by the political officer?  Not long! Who decides what is miss - information?

Based on reality checks, it seems to me that 95% of the misinformation and 99% of the violence comes from the left!

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, AOC, U.S. Representative from New York, is already lobbying for her Orwellian Ministry of Truth.  If you have a ministry of truth, what do you do with the people they arrest?  You need re-education camps!  AOC is doubling down on them too!  My God what are we coming to? Does nobody see the danger?  All of this is straight out of Orwells 1984, read it.

Whether or not parler.com comes back people need to resist this large scale indoctrination.  We have become so dependant on these web monopolies, myself included.  Personally Amazon was a life saver during the pandemic.  For the sake of democrasy and the future of mankind we need to put Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter out of business.

My Blog.   Gab.   Parler. The social network! 

A better search engine:  Yahoo 

My Space  Facebook for grownups!

Remember, we would not have vaccines if Clinton or Biden had been president. The very characteristics that people disliked about Trump is why we have vaccines!  

Censorship is the suppression of speech, public communication, or other information, on the basis that such material is considered objectionable, harmful, sensitive, or "inconvenient."[2][3][4] Censorship can be conducted by governments,[5] private institutions, and other controlling bodies.



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