There is a myth that Donald Trump incited an insurrection. Only an idiot would believe that. What happened on January 6, 2021 was not an insurrection. Some misguided people tried to re-establish democrasy in our nation. They did remarkably little damage considering the anger out there! Our mistrust of the results have nothing to do with what Trump does or does not say.
They say there is incitement and hate on Parler.
Before Trump even won the 2016 race, Obama, Clinton and Biden initiated a totally bogus Russia collusion hoax investigation. This really big lie would take up nearly 3 years of Trumps presidency! During this time Trump built his wall, stood-up to China, brought business back from over-seas and supercharged the economy to levels never seen!
When Trump was being sworn in the democrats thugs rioted all over the country. These riots were far more Violent than the one percent of one percent that overran the capital. They organized on Twitter and Facebook! Throughout Trumps presidentcy democrats openly incited violent harassment against anyone who supported Trump!
Twenty minutes after Trump was sworn in the democrats began impeachment proceedings against him. You can't make this up! Meanwhile the media gave-up all pretence of being fair or even reasonable.
Twenty minutes after Donald Trump was sworn in, he was subject to a fraudulent FBI investigation, impeachment and violence openly incited on Twitter and Facebook. By this time the media and Nancy Pelosi became completely unhinged! Apple still carries the Twitter app. Cathy Griffen is still on Twitter!
In a few months the FBI would lie to the FISA court to continue there bogus political investigation of Donald Trump! Representative Maxine Waters proudly posted vidio of herself inciting violence against Trump and anyone that supports him! Twitter had no problem with that. At one state of the union address, Nancy Pelosi, speaker of the house, made a display of tearing up the speech, like a spoiled child.
Now with the economy reaching unprecedented hights. With the middle class finally catching a break and blacks doing better than ever, congress impeaches Donald Trump. Many people told me they voted for Biden because Trump knew about the Wuhan Flu and did nothing! What bull! When we should have been laser focused on a mysterious disease in Wuhan China, comrade Kamala and the democrats were trying to impeach Trump! The Chinese and the WHO said covid was not contagious! Nonetheless Trump stomped up and down the White House demanding to know why it takes 5 years to develope and market a vaccine. Trump did not trust China or the WHO, thank God.
It was Dr. Fauci that said, "masks don't help". The reason he said that is because Biden depleted the reserves of medical equipment, and sent all our manufacturing to China! Trump pivoted to the free enterprise system, with remarkable success. Donald Trump had pressers almost every day with a rabidly anty Trump press. These so called "journslists" were bent on blaming Trump for the pandemic. What was Trump supposed to do, dump billions on the pharmaceutical companies, eliminate the risk incurred by developing drugs and plow through excessive bureaucracy to get vaccines to market 5 times faster than ever? Oh, that's right, he did that! Dr. Fauci told us not to wear masks, he gave us a test that did not work and a shutdown that did more harm than good. Was Dr. Fauci right about anything? Some of these measures might have done some good had they been implemented earlier, but, the democrats were hell bent to impeach Trump. OMG! People voted for the people who caused the problems in the first place. You can't make this up.
The very people who gave us a 3 year long bOgus FBI investigation and constantly lied about Trump have the nerve to talk about "missinformation" and "right wing conspiracy theories"! They talk about how badly Trump handled the plague when they were pushing a bOgus impeachment at the time when we might have been more effective against the plague. This is what Biden ran on.
Throughout the summer Fancy Nancy Pelosi, Comrade Kamala and the rest of the democrats openly incited violence often directed at the police. Antifa/BLM were far more violent than the people who invaded the people's house on January 6.
The two week shutdown turned into a two month shutdown. Some Democrat goveners continued longer to destroy the economy in order to beat Trump. It gets worse, Fancy Nancy Pelosi blocked the aid package to make people miserable so they would vote against Trump! That's how sick these power hungry parasites are.
Trump tweeted that we have to stop these Lockdowns before they do more harm than good. Labeled "missinformation", later proved to be correct. Trump tweeted the kids need to get back to school. Labeled "missinformation", later proved correct. Trump promoted something called "Hydroxychloroquine". Several highly qualified doctors felt that "Hydroxychloroquine" helped. Studies were mixed, but, then there was nothing else and the down side was low (not nill). Just because Donald Trump recommended this people turned against it. We have better drugs now thanks to Trumps "Warp Spead" project. Hydroxichloroquine has anti-inflamitory and anti-viral properties.
Cities burned while democrats cheered. Businesses dropped like flies. The FDA , in an unprecedented and purely political move made certain that the Trump vaccines would not come out till after Nov. 3. Some people think this was done with a wink and a nod from the pharmaceutical companies angered over Trumps attempt to reduce prices of drugs.. The democrats sued states to force them to change the rules to favor Biden in an utterly unconstitutional way. This is black and white with no room for interpretation.
The media, legacy and digital, jumped at every chance to take a jab at Trump. They claim they censored Trump because of missinformation or incitement. That does not explane why they censored the New York Posts article on Hunter Bidens laptop! Most of the missinformation and violence came from the left!
After Nov.. 3, the Chinese celebrated having their "Manchurian Candidate"! They publicly declared "our friends are back in power". The anger was bubbling over. Even if you disregard all the weirdness and everything Trump and Giuliani said you are still stuck with:
The states changed the rules, unconstitutionaly, to favor Biden.
The media lied, censored and covered for Biden.
In most cases, the courts did not rule on the merits. The courts took any excuse to dodge these issues. Some of them openly said that they were not going to overturn the results. When the Supreme Court dodged its responsibility, that was the last straw. At this point the anger was off the scale!!!
Trump did not incite anything! The disgraceful behavior of Fancy Nancy Pelosi, Maxine Waters and the democrats over the entirety of Trumps presidency incited the riot. The shameless behavior of the media incited the riot. The cowardly behavior of the Supreme Court incited the riot. Don't you people get it?
The democrats claim the Jan. 6 riot (if you can even call it that) was a threat to democrasy. It's the democrats that want to censor any opinion that differs from there dogma. It's the democrats that turn people into "un-persons". Democrats disregard the constitution, and have for years! They openly discuss re-education camps and having a "Ministry of Truth" . Democrats want to make Washington D.C. a state to get 2 Democrat senators. They intend to "stuff" the Supreme court, Chuck Shumer threatened the Supreme court. Now they want to turn our law enforcement agencies into the Stasi . Who is threatening democrasy?
You're tired when you get home. The last thing you want is facts, but, facts matter. Democracy is under attack, and, not from "White Supremacists".
The FDA drug its feet accepting the new Trump vaccines. They were afraid Trump might succeed in one of his court cases. In the end, Trump and Pences "Warp Speed" initiative succeeded. The states however had some trouble distributing the vaccines. The states claimed the CDC was late with guidance. That's Faucis department. I guess Fauci was worried about "vaccine hesitancy", instead of being worried about the 260,000,000 people who are going to knock down the door for the vaccines. That man is not bright.
Dr. Fauci is more interested in politics than medicine. Gov. Cuomo said we need to open New York while there is something left to open. The man is a genius. Twitter remains a haven for hate, violence and kiddy porn, but, both Apple and Google still carry their app. Biden, who ran on his ability to handle the pandemic, admits there is nothing he can do about it, after all, he's not Trump! Bidens history with pandemics is dismal. He has reconnected with the same WHO that told us Covid was not contagious. The very characteristics people found so annoying about Trump are why we now have vaccines (plural) and therapeutics!
For Bidens babbling buffoons at CNN.
This is an apple. Some far right wing extremists might try to tell you that this is a banana. Don't you believe it, this is an apple. If you insist on calling it a banana, you might need a rest in one of our pleasant re-education camps.
Welcome to " Oceania".
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