We call these people "liberals"; are they? Are proGressives classical liberals? We may agree to disagree with classical liberals; but, these proGressives are something altogether different. ProGressives are not just communists they are stalinists! Mass censorship has begun as Parler can testify to. School is for indoctrination, and forget your second amendment rights! The peoples house, our capital, has become an armed camp because it no longer belongs to the people. What are they planning that they so fear the people. . Open discourse can not be tolerated because the proGressive orthodoxy will not stand up to open discourse. In their quest for power, liberals made a devils bargain with the proGressives.
Biden is beginning to realize, no matter how many concessions he makes to the proGressives, it will never be enough. With 2022 bearing down, Biden needs to import allot of votes from south of the border. I fear for the future of our republic.
Without some classical liberals, conservatives are just howling at the moon. Fortunately, some classical liberals are beginning to realize what a stupid and dangerous deal they made with stalinists.
We don't have to like liberals. We just have to stop this Orwellian nightmare! The need for open and free discourse can not be overstated. Even the FBI says pushing the most extreme people to the darkest corners of the web is counterproductive. Science without open discourse is propaganda. Government without open discourse is tyranny. Education without open discourse is indoctrination and public schools have gone all out with that! So important was the open exchange of ideas that the authors of our constitution wrote:
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press, or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances."
Gun control, Web Control, Mind Control
If they control information, they control your mind! ProGressives are trying to control every bit of information. Legacy news long ago went from biased to progressive propagandists. Conservatives moved to digital media. By 2020 proGressives launched a full scale attack on truth and the first amendment. This was not incidental. By their own account, controlling information and pressuring the media put their Manchurian Candidate in the white house! With a little help from their BLM thugs. These proGressives "protected" the election the same way the Burmese (Myanmar) military did.
Math is racist! In Orwells "doublethink", two plus two equals five. Throughout the nation, public schools are starting the brainwashing early. The "woke" mob is eliminating math in favor of "Black Lives Matter" indoctrination! Partial payment for their help with the 2020 election. I'm not kidding, it's nuts:
As the progressives impose their stalinist governance upon us, they can not tolerate a well armed population or proletariat. No tyrannical government can. Our congress is pushing gun laws so restrictive nobody will be able to possess a firearm nor would any business be able to sell them. A business that sells firearms would be liable should one be misused. Bills116-hr5717
Why would the authors of the constitution enshrine the right not only to keep, but to bear arms.
"A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a free State, the right of the people to keep and bear Arms, shall not be infringed".
First notice that nobody said that you had to be in a militia to keep and Bear arms. They needed to pass this blue print of governance through 13 independent states! It's not the United State of America, it's the United States of America.
This hierarchical governance brings great versatility to our nation, but makes it hard to pass anything. That's a good thing. How do you get 13 independent states to agree to anything? This is the magic of the constitution. Every word was passionately debated. Every period and comma was given consideration. The authors of our great nation argued, drank beer and got into fights.
"THE Conventions of a number of the States, having at the time of their adopting the Constitution, expressed a desire, in order to prevent misconstruction or abuse of its powers, that further declaratory and restrictive clauses should be added: And as extending the ground of public confi dence in the Government, will best ensure the benefi cent ends of its institution."
Their greatest fear was of an overbearing, out of control central government. Fearing that the separation of power was not sufficient to: "secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity," . They tried to ensure that: " people should not fear their government, the government should fear their people"! It is for this reason, the authors of our nation sought to ensure the right not just to keep arms, but also to bear arms. If our government restricts arms to those who's ideology they agree, you will not have any rights! Some claim that restricting gun rights will make a safer world, that has never worked out.
The framers saw the proGressives coming 250 years ago. AOC thinks she is smarter. Progressives wish to rid our nation of the constitution as it is in their way. Our constitution has never been under such an assault. I hope we last till 2022. Slow Joe Biden is importing votes as fast as he can.
For the dignity of humanity and the future of democrasy the democratic party must be put out of business. Amazon, Apple, Facebook, Google and Twitter get lost!
Yahoo Parler
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